Jelly Belly Center in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
You exit your tour through the gift shop where you can head to the sampling bar to try out any flavor you like. There are always some good deals in the store. On our most recent visit there was a big table of Buy One Get One Free candies, some of which were only 50 cents. They also offer bags of "Belly Flops" and "Hodgepodge" which are the less visually appealing pieces priced at a significant discount. We stock up with enough sweets to make the dentist and tooth fairy shake their heads. My kids always get a kick out of trying out gross flavors, such as vomit, dirt, baby wipes, etc. On our drive home, they went back and forth coming up with their own disgusting flavors to add the line - toe cheese, motor oil and others that make you say "eewwww." They all tried out a different flavor of Jelly Belly soda on this visit, too. They loved it! (No surprise there!)
If you're ever passing through the area, be sure to work in a stop at Jelly Belly to taste to your heart's content and get schooled on Jelly Belly trivia. Visit for more information.
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