Crock Pot Casserole Crock Is One of My Favorite Purchases
When we got married I got a round Crock-Pot that I still have, 26 years later. It's seen better days. It's got some scratches and the knob broke off, but it still works and still comes in handy when I'm on a baking frenzy and want to make more than one meal in my Crock-Pot or we're having a gathering and I have a side dish or dip I want to keep hot.
For a while I had a nice oval one, too, but it ended up getting dropped and broken. When I looked around online to replace it maybe 4 or 5 years ago, I came across a rectangular crock-pot. I was so excited and placed my order right then. There were many times when I wanted to make something in my round or even in the oval Crock Pot that just didn't fit. Sometimes it was a big chunk of meat like a roast or a corned beef brisket. Or sometimes I wanted to put in frozen meat that just wasn't flexible and you couldn't cut without thawing it a bit. Not to mention that there are 7 people in this house so when I cook, it's never small portions.
Someone recently told me they planned to purchase a Crock-Pot for someone as a gift and I urged them to get the casserole crock. I get so much more use out of it than I did my other ones. It's available at as well as at stores, such as Wal-Mart and Target and on their websites, as well. Currently, there is a coupon code on the site for 20 percent off on slow cookers -
Use Code SAVE20. I have the basic model that has a dial with 3 settings - high, low and warm. There are now programmable models available, as well.
***I was not compensated for this post. This is just an honest review on a favorite purchase. All opinions are my own.
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