In late January, I attended one of my favorite events in the world - the Cubs Convention. I've been to a few of these conventions, some of them many years ago when it was still held at the Chicago Hilton and Towers. My oldest son, who is now 24, has been a Cubs fan since he was just a wee little tike. He's been to more conventions than I have because my sister took him to a couple back when he was still in elementary school. She's a season ticket holder and one of the reasons my son is such a huge fan.
Each year, she gives the kids each a set of tickets to a Cubs game as their birthday/Christmas gift. So we've been going to games together every year and sitting in her same seats in the upper deck. It's been such a fun tradition and I love that my oldest and I share that passion for the Cubs. So does my dad. In fact, it's something he passed down to the next two generations. However, it wasn't passed on to him. He fell in love with the Cubs when he listened to them play in the World Series - back in 1945 when he was 9 years old. He was hooked after that even though in his central Illinois town he was surrounded by Cardinals fans. The Cubs are a family tradition. There's so much sentiment and love and history there. And I can't even tell you what the 2016 season meant to me without my eyes welling up with tears. This year I got tickets to the Cubs Convention as a Christmas gift for my son. I was so excited for us to be able to share that experience. The last convention we had been at was in 2015, Maddon's first year as manager. It was really cool to be there for the opening press conference. There's so much energy in the place and everyone there gets it. So, this year we went for Saturday and Sunday and stayed at the Sheraton where the convention is now held. On Saturday we spent a full day checking out as much as we could. And when we weren't able to snag a seat for Cubs Bingo, we figured it was a good time to have dinner. Shula's Steakhouse is in the hotel and when I called down about a reservation, it was pretty booked, as I suspected. The hostess did mention that we could stop and check to see if anything was open in the bar area. We got really lucky and found a little space at the end of the bar and two stools and sat down.
I saw that the couple next to us had split a steak. I chatted with them for a couple minutes and they said the steak was really good and even splitting a meal they didn't finish everything. I asked my son if he was interested in splitting a large filet and he agreed. Then I spotted the seafood trio appetizer, so we ordered that, too. We added a couple sides with the steak and I knew we'd have plenty of food. That seafood trio was amazing - one of the best things I've eaten this year. It was one of those things that were so good I still dream about it and wish I could dig in to that succulent lump crab, lobster tail and shrimp again. If you go there, be sure to try this if you are a seafood lover.
Next came out steak with bearnaise sauce and a side of mashed potatoes and roasted corn. It was more than enough. The filet was perfectly cooked and I savored every succulent bite. We were too full for anything else, but got a giant piece of chocolate cake to go and enjoyed it later in the room. We also got a big thrill when we noticed Jody Davis walk by and sit down a few seats down at the bar. 1984 was my team and he was one of my faves. I just couldn't walk away without meeting him - and he was so kind and friendly.
Our experience at the Cubs Convention was a wonderful one that was greatly enhanced by a wonderful meal with my die-hard son and a selfie with one of my favorite 1984 team members. Go Cubs!
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