What can't you do with crock pot chicken?

Sometimes I'm in the mood to spend hours in the kitchen making dishes that are complex and beautiful, but most often time commands that I take a simple route. What could be more simple than putting some frozen chicken in the crock pot and turning it on? Sometimes I put in some pasta sauce for a Chicken caccitore. Sometimes I go for some sweet and sour sauce to pair with fried rice. Once in a while it's barbecue sauce. There are so many things you can do. I often put a little water on the bottom and a few scoops of salsa. If I want to use the meat for enchiladas or tacos, I add a lot. If not, I put in just a little. Just enough to moisten it and cause it to fall apart. Then I can do so many things with it. Cut it up to add to some noodles or rice. Add it to some soup. Top a salad with it. Or throw it in a wrap. 
