When I read about Libararium Cafe last year and that they'd be a coffee shop with some Harry Potter inspiration (they serve butter beer), I passed on the info to the other Chicago Foodie Sister who is a huge Harry Potter fan. Like I mean she is really, really a Harry Potter fan. She used to have annual Harry Potter viewing parties at her house when the movies were releases on DVD, she decorated both of her kids' bedroom in Harry Potter theme and when she asked me to do a reading at her wedding, it was a passage written by J.K. Rowling.
When I found myself in downtown Hobart recently and passed the cafe, I knew I'd have to make a stop. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I can always go for a cup of hot chocolate, so I made my way in. The place is cute and inviting. There are boxes of board games lining the shelf and it's definitely a place where you could linger for hours - sipping on sweet liquid creations, checking emails or playing board games with friends.
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