Burgers and hot dogs - summer barbecue classics

The most common meals to come off of a grill at a summer barbecue are hot dogs and hamburgers. My husband bought a used grill this spring that is double the size of our previous one and that he hooked up to a natural gas line. He is in his glory and cooking dinner on it several times a week. That's fine with me. I pick out the entree and give him instructions and I take care of the sides, beverages and dessert. We've been making lots of burgers and dogs.

Because this grill has so many burners, he's also using it as a warming device, turning off the burners on one side to keep meats hot after they are cooked. Here's a batch of burgers waiting to be eaten, toasted buns and all. These burgers had some sliced gouda on them. I am using American less and less these days.

As I side, I threw some fingerling potatoes in the microwave with some Italian flavored olive oil.

Hot dogs also demand toasted buns. And, yeah, I know, I know...I'm from the Chicago area and I'm putting ketchup on a dog! It's pretty much forbidden in these parts, but I'm tired of hiding it. I like ketchup on them and I'll face the disgrace.

Oh, and the burgers are best when dressed with garden condiments, like this garden-fresh lettuce!
