Some of our favorite teas (Part 1)

We've gotten back into the Tea of the Day routine here on Chicago Foodie Sisters. I did it once before for a full year and then for part of another year. In January, it seemed a good time to start back up. I've been posting a Tea of the Day almost every day on our Instagram and Facebook pages. I intend to try and go a full year without duplication. So far I've hit 60 days without having the same one twice and I have a little more to go before I'll have to start purchasing more to keep it going. 

It's been a way to try more new teas and to make my way through what's in my stash that I've forgotten about. There are some definite standouts and I thought I'd share a few of them with you. I'll share more favorites as I make my way through them.

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Bigelow Constant Comment

This has been a favorite since I was a teenager and I try to always keep some on hand. It's a classic. A fun fact on this one is that our parents enjoyed Constant Comment together on their first date - in the early 1960s. I love teas with orange flavor and that's what I love about this one!

Republic of Tea Cranberry Orange

There are so many flavors from the Republic of Tea that I adore and this is one of them. It blends two of my favorite flavors and it is lovely.

Chamomile tea is so soothing to me. I can just feel my body relax at the first sip. This one is a perfect for a mid-afternoon treat or before I cozy up in bed.

I am a sampler. That's one of the reasons I loved this challenge of trying a new tea every day for a year. I love discovering new flavors and if you're the same, I definitely recommend getting out of the routine of having a couple go-to flavors and trying an assortment pack.

This one has such a good variety. Some of my favorite flavors are the Wild Sweet Orange, Passion and Earl Gray. The 42-count pack includes 14 different flavors - so if you find one you really like, you can have a second cup.

Vadham Assorted Tea Bag Sampler

If you're looking for another assortment of teas, I recommend this one from Vadham. I loved every single tea I tried from this company in India - as well as loving much of the values of the company. This is a 40-count assortment with no duplicates. So, if you want to try a new flavor each day, it will go a long way. It also comes in a pretty box that makes it a perfect gift for a tea lover.
